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  • Susanna Tocco

How to Select a Crystal

Rainbow Hematite

This is my favorite subject. I just love the world of crystals! Most of us collected bit and pieces of nature during our early childhood, and for some of us that just kept growing into a pure fascination for the crystalline world. As mysterious as crystals may seem, they really are worth discovering.

Many people ask me the same question "How do I know that I'm choosing the correct crystal?" There are two rules of thumb that I work with. The first is easy; when selecting a crystal, there is usually one that really umps out to your eye. It could be sitting in a bowl with several others just like it, but this crystal in particular speaks to you. Answer, because that's the one for you. don't second guess yourself. You have a connection with that crystal for the right reason. Another common question is, "Why do certain crystals speak so loudly to me?" This answer is simple and is the basis of how crystals heal.

All crystals have a vibration that either resonates with our personal vibes or it doesn't. You will intuitively know when a crystal vibes with you. These energy vibrations can be mild to very strong. For example, quartz crystal is used in technology from clocks to computers. The vibration of the quartz helps to maintain the precision of these mechanisms. Science has unlocked the vibration code of the crystal and has used it to benefit technology and our everyday lives. In the same way that quartz keeps precision for moving parts in a clock, a crystal can interact with your body's "soul mechanisms". Crystals have been used in healing modalities for centuries.

My second rule is to refer to a crystal guide. If you're seeking to reduce anxiety, reliable sources will provide suggestions such as Kunzite and Pyrite. When you're at a store selecting crystals, feel which one vibes the best with you by placing it in your hand and listening to your gut instinct. Two crystals might both speak to you, and that's fine. Having more than one crystal is not excessive. My favorite reference is the Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. If you like working with the celestial realm, Crystal Therapy by Doreen Virtue is another great guide.

Be sure to properly care for your crystals once you bring them home. I suggest not letting crystal get wet since Selenite and some others can dissolve. Others such as Rose Quartz and Amethyst can fade in direct sunlight. If not on display, storing crystals in a non-plastic container or a natural fiber pouch is acceptable; especially if you want to carry them with you. Keeping your crystals charged and energetically clean is important. This can be done by placing them in the light of the full moon or by smudging them with the smoke of sage. Palo santo can also be used in lieu of sage. A great way to allow crystals to rest and recharge is to wrap them in a cloth and burry them in the earth for a few days. Be sure to mark the spot you buried them and don't burry water soluble crystals.

* Originally published in Pulse Magazine March 2012 Issue. Updated Aug 2016

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